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  • Writer's pictureChantie

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

May 3, 2013 Ruiz Family Reunion Newport Bch, California Journal Entry

Don Miguel Jr., Don Jose & Don Miguel Sr.

📷 For clarity sake, I spent time with the authors of The Four Agreements, Mastery of Love, The Five Levels of Attachment and more...

These are notes I took during the workshop of the Toltec wisdom…

You create your reality just for you!

Truth: we are born alone, grow alone, and we die alone.

I am responsible for my reality. I will enjoy or suffer consequences in life. We are the creators.

Strong will, determination and discipline make dreams real and are the keys to personal Freedom.

The truth will set you free from what you think you are.

We exist - we are alive. That’s all that matters.

We agreed about what words mean.

What if mirrors did not exist? We would have to use our imagination of what we think we are and how everyone else sees us.

We practice, to be what we are not. (school, family, culture & religion).

If we believe the opinions of everyone else, we stop liking our self.

We compare our experience to that of others' and then we don’t like our self.

When you love yourself just the way you are, we love others just as they are.

Attention & Power of mind – how we learn and teach is a bridge from one reality to other realities.

We are addicted to suffering.

When you look in the mirror – love yourself.

Children learn not what we say, how we live, truth is in action.

With real love, we allow them to be whatever.

Unconditional between gratitude & gratuity we learn to love with conditions as children.

I love you if…

Change your identity – who you think you are. It’s about respect – be completely authentic.

We all live in our own stories – allow it to be, then we have peace.

We each have a filter – having awareness of it changes everything.

What beliefs are running your life?

This weekend was so full of love. These three men are such an inspiration of true love. It felt like a true family reunion. I was as much a part of it as any Ruiz. I grew exponentially as a result of this weekend. I remembered if only for a short time who I truly am. I am Love.

Shelly Valinttine utilizes these principles to educate her clients to further their harmonious life journey. Harmony=Happiness visit to learn more!

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  • Writer's pictureChantie

Updated: Apr 10, 2020


Not a typical day, I woke up and was guided to do a sacred journey regarding the ceremony for the hawk I scraped off the road yesterday.

I first drew the owl card from my shaman deck then soared with her on my journey. We perched high in a conifer looking over the mountains, forge and river. I knew what to do and got the message to move on it.

I got on the road and called Sierra, my fire walk mentor, on the way. She and Mato were grateful I called and they gave their blessing for the hawk’s burial under the bed of coals left from the fire walk.

It felt honoring and fulfilling to provide this respectful ceremony for this hawk, a messenger of spirit.

Later that afternoon a hawk soared over the area slow and low. Sally, a dear friend & I witnessed it.

I felt incredibly blessed!

Chantie Valinttine is spiritually connected through nature. She honors the messages and correlation of nature and humanity.

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  • Writer's pictureChantie

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

Dear Universe,

I wanted to express my gratitude for this moment. You know, those times when little sparkles of magic occur in unexpected ways. Today seemed filled with them. I got to spend time with my Mom helping her and she handed me a coupon for something I needed to get. So that was a moment of synchronicity.

A friend I don’t usually hear from during the day, reached out to check in and say hi and it was so good to connect with her. I just love that woman. I feel so blessed to have such great friends.

Then I received a phone call that my daughter won some money for selling the winning ticket for a school raffle; and it was my friend won the raffle drawing. It was like a double bonus and two winners. Then my Mom received a large check from a customer who owes her a lot of money.

The miracle of abundance was all around me and it brought me great joy. It’s seemed like my request for a positive relationship with money was drawing closer.

Then I felt inspired to text my bestie when I saw the magic number 11:44 and feeling that tingle in my heart of such pure love. Being grateful doesn’t seem strong enough to embrace the joy of this feeling. It is truly a gift of a lifetime!

For the most part, work today was smooth and productive. I got lots accomplished and that has been a challenge since it is so focused on details. I am grateful for that today. I am grateful for the help from my friends who are guiding me through this Disillusion process. I am so happy to have the help because this is a daunting process. Their assistance helps me to stay on track to take the steps toward what to do next.

The only thing is I miss my girls, they’ve been with their dad five days now. I haven’t seen them in four days and I really do miss them. It has been good to appreciate them while they are home. Soon they’ll be out of the house and hanging out with friends all the time. My sweet Tess left me a note that she missed me so much that she sorted the laundry and washed a load of clothes because she wanted to do something nice for me. How precious is that? So, thank you for the best daughters ever!!! I love them so much.

Thank you for all the many gifts in my life. I live a rich life filled with experiences in extraordinary ways.

~ Shelly Valinttine is a consummate observer of the human experience, lover of life & re-awakening to the magic of life. Learn more or contact her through

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